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The views and information presented in this blog are my own and do not represent the Fulbright Program or the US Department of State.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Approaching the Half-way Point

Hello everyone at home!!

I'm getting pretty close to being half-way through my stay in Thailand. The official day is next Wednesday 17th, but who's counting? Just writing now to give you an update on what's going on.

I've just about finished my graduate school applications, with plenty of help from Holly and a deposit into my bank account from Dad. I applied to five schools this year: the University of Washington, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vanderbilt University, Boston College, and the University of South Carolina. U.Washington is my top choice, but I also got accepted and Vandy and BC last year, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. The U. of Wisconsin is one of the top three sociology programs in the country, so it is my long shot school. University of SC is my safety school, but if I had to go there it wouldn't be so bad being close to the beach. If I get in anywhere I'll be starting next fall, and I should be hearing back from these schools at about the time I get back from Thailand. So I'll no sooner get home than have to start thinking about leaving again.

About teaching. I really like teaching, and I think if I am able to go to grad school and become a professor I will like my job. It will probably be cool to teach when the students would actually understand what I'm saying, too. I don't think that I've taught a full 5-day week since I've been here, though. There is always some holiday or celebration or Olympic-type sporting activity that the whole school's involved in. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having days off. But keeping track of which lessons I've taught to which classes is getting difficult. Sometime either today or tomorrow I'm supposed to have a teacher from Bangkok, associated with Fulbright, come and observe my teaching to make sure I'm doing a decent job. I'm nervous about that, but I plan on being awesome.

Now some shout-outs.

Grandma: I realize you miss me and all that (and I miss you, too), but there's no reason to go getting sick or anything that would put you near a hospital just to try and get me to come home! Just kidding… I'm really glad you're okay. Also, I tried the phone card you sent, but I think it will only work in the US.
Holly: Thanks for getting all of my school stuff together. You're the best.
Dad: Thanks for the money. Tell Alex "hi" for me. And sometime you gotta stop working a million hours a week. If you ever do let me know and we'll try to skype.
Mom: Good to hear about the new pets. Sounds like the house is turning into a zoo! Looking forward to Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner when I get back.
Patrick: You're a computer wizard. Thanks for the DVD player download. It helps out a ton. Sorry that Tech didn't work out and that you have to put up with Marshall again. Do good on finals this semester, though. It will work out in the long run.
Pam: Thanks for the updates. It's good to know what's going on and be in the loop, especially when anyone gets admitted to the hospital.

1 comment:

Aunt Pam said...

Wow, how time flies!Congratulations on your grad applications. Hope your "dream" school offers you the best deal. Expect visitors :)

Check your e-mail for a pic. of our new family member Santa delivered to CJ yesterday.

I know your observation/review can be nerve racking but just do your best and you'll be GREAT :)

Aunt Pam